Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A FaerieCon Review

FaerieCon is a gathering of many people who love myth, folklore, fairy tale, costuming, music, artisans & craftsmen/women, world renowned authors and artists, and very importantly - those who enjoy being around like minded folk.
The Marriot's Hunt Valley Inn was host to the event and their staff was impressive. The set up process was very organized. Special thanks to Kal from the MD Faerie Festival, you and the team were extremely helpful AND enthusiastic!
Daytime from Friday at 1pm until Sunday at 5pm, the hallways and rooms were filled with streams of happy people, some bustling about to and from informative panels and some leisurely looking about at the creative displays filled with magical faerie finery. Many new friends were made on those days. Ideas were shared, opportunities discussed and those who sought inspiration were most certainly inspired.
Many thanks to the producers of FaerieCon, Kelly and Emilio Miller Lopez and Robert Gould, to Kimmy and the many familiar faces in the faerie community who help bring us all together.

Matt 'Lycan' Hunt, Faerie Magazine graphic designer/photographer and Mark Lewis, MC extraordinaire!


  1. Whilst a bit belated, I just wanted to sugest that you guys do a storyteller issue with Mark as the main guy because he is amazingly gifted at his craft!

  2. Even more belated, Faerie Con is an amazing event. I've been to all of them so far and it just keeps getting better!

    I second the suggestion to do a feature on Mark Lewis he is indeed extraordinarily gifted as a story teller and a wonderful person.

  3. Just saw this.... I am going to Faeriecon this year! Looking forward to it! Never been to one before.

  4. Awe! I went to the very first one in 2007 and fell in love with it! Sadly, I have only been able to dream of going again, as the mundane life pulls me away.
    Someday... *^_^*
